Conditions are looking up!
On Saturday we expect some snow (a little sprinkle) and hopefully some sun! We are looking forward to a busy easter week.
The last couple of days we have been building jumps for the Prix Garantie Linecatcher that is scheduled for tomorrow. Come to the small Sulz to see the best skiiers in the valley fight for the crown. The whole competition is about leaving your comfort zone so anyone can join, with or without experience. The winner will be the person that accomplishes something outside of her/his normal skiing skills. So if a total beginner throws a backflip he/she is definitely fighting for a podium place.
At the hotel: For Easter we are not only expecting new snow, but also created a couple of package deals! Go get them before this season is over and in the books!
Hard Facts:
Snow depth Mountain (Slope, 3.020m): 200 cm
Snow depth Location (1.050m): 0 cm
Snow condition: Hard, partially wet
Latest snow fall: 04/04/2017
Avalanche alert level: Moderate
Weather and Conditions:
// Ski Lodge Team