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Best Burger in Town – S02

Denise feierabend preparing for best burger in town!

Starting 2019 with a BANG in Engelberg

No time to lose, we are starting up this year’s Burger Competition already 3rd of January, 2 weeks earlier than last season. The concept is simple – Best burger in town will win the crown and this year we have a start gate filled with winners!

Season 2018 we invited six local heroes and skiers from the village to design their own secret recipe burger for the crowd. Marc Gisin, Mattias Hargin and Fabian Bösch being half of the starting field made it a close race with Fabian Bösch coming out as a winner with over 200 burgers sold during two weeks.

This year we start up with Denise Feierabend coming out strong from a long career in alpine skiing with two winter Olympics done right, 12th place 2014 and team Gold 2018! Denise is followed by Johan Johnsson. A local hero in many aspects and a well-known pro freeskier, landing covers as if it was incorporated in his breakfast routine. (true story!)

Next up after Johan will be Dominique Gisin, a Ski racer with Olympic gold and a fantastic career in the downhill world cup. Rumour has it she is going to do something with swiss chicken, keep your eyes open for this yummy burger on the menu.

Taking on the great honour of designing a burger as well as her siblings is Michelle Gisin – yet another Olympic gold medalist (must be something in the water here…) with a great start on her World cup season already! Two podiums in December 2018 is not something to kid about! Hopp Schwiiz!

A wildcard this season is Dani Friedli, local hero and owner of Okay Shop, freeride and telemark hub next to our hotel. He is a great skier, a valued friend of ours and a hell of a good guy. Without him, the freeride scene in Engelberg wold never be the same!(maybe not much at all)

Some more runner-ups will be announced later during the season!

Each burger will be 20 CHF and available on the bar menu.

Very welcome to come by and try it out!

// Ski Lodge Team



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