Randy throwing down a backside 180’s down the valley, the year is 1997, when he was fueled by Kelloggs and beer, uncompromised by wealth and photography.
PHOTO: Lorenz Vonarburg/ str paranoia
So during a period of time, we will do some reinventing in the bar at Ski Lodge, as you all know, we like to change things up. This time around Randy, a friend, and photographer will make an exhibition of things worth seeing. His work will be hanging in the bar between 26th of December until the beginning of February. Come and have a look, say hi and grab a beer.
Randy Tischler – Born 1973 Lucerne, LU, Lives and Works in Zurich.
What is your connection to Engelberg, when did it become a destination for you personally? My father worked here a long time ago and since then, whenever I go snowboarding, I am doing it here.
More about Randy:
(extract from CV)
“Ein Fotograf hat die FCZ-Frauen als Gang inszeniert” – VICE magazine
“Wieso ein Schweizer Fotograf sogenannte Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge vor seinem Mercedes porträtiert!” – VICE magazine
Here you find him:
Randys Website, go and have a look!